Medienrat der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft

Gospertstraße 42
4700 Eupen


Market Analyses

Analysis of the television market in Belgium

Since January 2010 the Media Council has been taking part in an analysis of the television market in Belgium together with the BIPT (Belgisches Institut für Postdienste und Telekommunikation), the VRM (Vlaamse Regulator voor de Media) and the CSA (Conseil Supérieur de l'Audiovisuel).

The results of this collaboration are similar analyses for the television market, which led to four similar decisions being drafted for the purpose of market regulation. These concern the television cable and telecommunication companies active in the country's four language regions, which have a certain market influence, and have now been presented for the two-month public consultation process.

You can find the draft decision by the Ruling Chamber of the Media Council for regulating the television market in the German-speaking region here. (in French)