"No government ought to be without censors;
and where the press is free no one ever will."
...to the Media Council of the German-speaking Community of Belgium.
It is the independent regulatory authority of the German-speaking Community for media services. These include in the Belgian understanding auditive/sound services, audiovisual services and video-sharing platform services thus intermediary services like hosting services. It is competent for the contents and the technical aspects of these media services. Therefore, the networks and services used for their transmission in the German-speaking community of Belgium fall also under the remit of the Media Council.
The Media Council applies the provisions of the Media Decree of 1 March 2021 and ensures that they are complied with. In particular, it receives the reports from the providers of media services with an economic activity, allocates radio frequencies and monitors the protection of minors, compliance with the rules on media pluralism and on advertising. It analyses the markets for the transmission of media services and imposes the appropriate obligations on companies with significant market power, e.g. to grant competitors access to their television platform.
Additionally, the Media Council collaborates with other Belgian media regulators, including the Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel (CSA), the Vlaamse Regulator voor de Media (VRM), and the Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications (BIPT). Together with these regulators, the Media Council forms the Conference of Regulators for Electronic Communications Networks (CRC), which cooperates in regulating electronic communications networks (and services), especially regarding market analyses. The Media Council also collaborates with these Belgian regulatory authorities to implement the Digital Services Act (DSA).
On the European level, the Media Council is member of the European Platform of Regulation Authorities (EPRA), the European Audiovisual Observatory (EAO) and the European Board of Media Services (EBMS).